Saturday, February 20, 2010

Six Months Gone!

It is going to be six months since I left from the shores of the South Shore of Nova Scotia and I have to say that I have discovered that the South Shore does not have the friendliest people in Canada. That title should be reserved for the residents of Newfoundland small towns. Especially those on the Northern Peninsula. My wife and family decided that we were tired of struggling and took jobs in Newfoundland. The pay was better, housing cost less and our children made friends within days of arrival and have fit in and been accepted. This is no surprise to us. Not to knock the South Shore but there has been a lot of heartache over our time there and there has also been good times too. In the next few months I am going to write stories about the people we knew and some of our experiences that make the time spent on the South Shore of Nova Scotia Memorable. Stay tuned.
We have entered a Canadian Contest to name the new flavor of Doritos. Our one minute video entry is here.